Proudly holding the latest edition to the Leica family, the Leica M-P, the pinnacle of Digital M Evolution.

With the tag line “Perfectly understated” , Leica Singapore fully customised the Leica M-P outfit and gave it a bit of Claire Jedrek flair. They crafted a one of a kind camera inscribing my signature on the top plate and with out doubt, if photography couldn’t get more personal, they really pulled this one out of the magicians hat.

leica MP (2 of 3)The new Leica M-P is state of the art photography, that has depth, feel, resilience and directive attached, though I must admit I do love my first Leica which was the Leica M9. I won’t ramble on about the specifications but I will allow you to enjoy an experts over view : HERE

I intensely enjoy photography. It’s therapeutic and allows to me to seek and travel the corners of the world, guiding me towards what I would have not seen otherwise.

I must put forward a huge acknowledgment for my sponsors who without I would not have captured and have been able to share those important raw sequences of the world around me. Internally grateful.

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